Category / Comic / 2020 / Fall 2020 / Fall 2020 Comic
Surreal Cartoons – David Warner
David Warner uses surrealism and other “heady” elements to express his humor.
Centaur Scolding – Sam Skoronski
Sam Skoronski, graduated from Kutztown University with a bachelor’s degree in psychology. Skoronski has been drawing cartoons for years and hopes to be published one day.
Great Obstacles – Akshay Sundaram
Akshay Sundaram is a Junior in college and spent all of his childhood drawing and writing comics. Through years of creating, Sundaram believes he’s honed a voice and style that is distinctly his own.
Elephant in the Room – Sam Skoronski
Sam Skoronski has been drawing cartoons for years and won second place in the Cartoon Collections Caption Contest.
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