Category / Spring 2021 / Spring 2021 Young Artist / Young Artist
The Machine – Avah Dodson
At first, there was nothing. Then— A flash, a bright light, And the Machine was there Appearing out of nothing In the center of the valley. Its bright cords flickered And its dials slowed. The Machine looked around, Analyzing its surroundings. Where was it from? Why was it here? The Machine whirred and fizzed, And…
Untitled – Shiela Denise Scott
Shiela Denise Scott, photographer, and designer who loves to challenge the mind with multiple directions of subjective art earned a Digital Photography Degree at Antonelli College. Her love of life delved into talent display of presenting design and capturing scenery. You may connect with her on social media:
Seven Minute Mile – Reed Luppens
0 min: 00 sec It’s 37 degrees out but it doesn’t feel cold to me for some reason. My stomach is twisted in knots. The runners around me are getting warmed up… some jogging, some sprinting. I don’t want to waste my energy so I concentrate my thoughts on the race. I walk up to…
The Mystery Of The Missing Honey – Amaani H Sa’dia
Once upon a time, there was a family of Bees. One day, they went out looking for honey. At first, they couldn’t find any honey but then they spotted some honey by an old oak tree. They collected the honey and put it into little jars, and then they went home. The next morning, Mama…
Flowing to Eternity – Siddhi Bhaskar
Serene and peaceful, calm and quiet,She never makes a riot.She gives and gives but never takes,Except for water from the lakes. She flows into the sea, Oh, she flows so free. …