Category / Poetry / 2019 / Spring 2019
Spring 2019 issue
Stormy Hearts – Louis Marin
The emotions read like a scene from Poe. Not the Poe of black feathered ravens, tell-tale hearts, beating, slowly beatingdriving us mad from their shallow graves.Beneath the floorboards they were hidden. Not the Poe of black feathered ravens, slowly preening and fluffing every featherto assure a velvet smooth polished finish. Upon the bust of Pallas…
Spirited – Michael Marks
Spirited on a Saturday eveningMinus the blessings of my wife and friends,I began my epochal way to Harmony,Bypassing other strains of lifeformsWho had five different senses.Sailing through icy wet flamePast Pluto and Sirius, galaxies away,On my Buck Rogers expedition,Conquering a cryptic frontier,I lost all feeling of now and next.Using my blood as currency,I bargained to…
Holding the Universe Together – Micaela Michalk
If everybody was a string,you’d be a rubber band, holding us all together like the bulk of note cards, I used to have, Stretching until—SNAP— that rebound leaves a ring of red on my skin. I would be a piece of fuzzstuck on freshly laundered clothing, frayed at the ends. You pluck me off and…
Untitled – Ailisha O´Sullivan
I am Lazarus Jairus’ daughter the widow of Naim’s son eyes scrunched and howling I re-enter the world a swaddled corpse new-born. What cursed twist is this paradise twice lostand doomed to die again? What strange love is this hurled out of heaven? Oh Christ! The pain! The pain! Ailisha O’Sullivan was born in Ireland and…
A Charcoal Sketch – Sarah Richter
A woman drawn in charcoalholds her hand up, clenchedto the melting skies above herclaiming her own throughthe energy beyond her skin. It explodes into her palmand she takes it in, tensewith the blinding white blooddripping at once fromthe sparks in the clouds. Her hair, black carbon soot,the natural residue of flames,covers her darkened face.She stands…
Carving Rocks – Abhijit Sarmah
I tried to carve a hymnon a rock one summer night untilstars cumulated on my sleevesand every single word becamea distinct footnote in my memory— invisible rainbows threw downtheir fillets and the moon sang hersongs on holy faces crying todead valleys and eventually prying,half-blind by one dead season— the fog, too, gently hummedits cold electric…
43 QUINTILLION – Kylie Eaton
Magical realism // 5 min // 2018 // written + directed by Kylie Eaton. A grieving woman stumbles upon a mysterious artifact of her beloved’s past. Propelled into an unknown world, Jessica must find her way back home – by moving forward. Winner of Best Drama Short at the Sioux Empire Film Festival 2018 (USA)…
real? – Scumbag Kalat & Jonny Soda Pop
Scumbag Kalat is the stage name for Richmond musician and writer, Eric Kalata. He has released one EP under this pseudonym, alongside scattered singles on Soundcloud, but has been actively working with other musicians in the scene for years. You should expect his debut LP in early 2020. real? is from the summertime shy EP,…