The Allotment Guy – Gareth Culshaw
He grows his leeks upside down
as he says the world is inside out.
A row of carrots shoulder the soil,
The holes in his jeans are from
the knuckles of bone that have become
crooked with every shovel lift
or wheelbarrow rumble. The weather
sits in his eyebrows, and time
creases his skin. But he doesn’t care.
He grows his onions in a zig zag
so he can walk like a cat when pulling
them up. His turnips are brought
out of the raised bed like a district
nurse holding a baby. Tomato’s
picked like tomorrow is only a dream,
spuds forked up when he wears
a belt. The pegs hold the guard in case
the shape decides to run away.
But he doesn’t care as he knows
the world is inside out.
Gareth lives in Wales. He had his first collection published, The Miner, by FutureCycle in 2018. He has been published in various places across the UK and USA. His two dogs, Jasper and Lana, help redraft his poems.