Category / 2019 / Fall 2019 / Fall 2019 Spoken / Spoken Word
The Type – Alyssa Cruz
Alyssa Cruz is a Filipina-American poet, born and raised in the suburbs of the Pacific Northwest. When she isn’t analyzing healthcare data or browsing infographics, you can find her at a happy hour, daydreaming, writing poetry, or all three at once. Her work has appeared in Bricolage & The Atlanta Review. She lives in Seattle,…
The Cliff – Chloe Morris
I was ten-years-old When the pain started blossoming In my mother’s back, The resultant weeds spreading, Digging their roots into nerve endings And despite the lack of sun, Refusing to die, As they cropped up In her leg, In her shoulders, In her sense of gravity, In the veins of her spirit. I was…
Home – Choya Randolph
Home is where the sound of sirens are lullabies. Where single moms dream when they blink. Where the candles smell like the places we’ve never been. Where the grass on the other side is as green as money. Home sparkles with resilience. Home has tears that could quench thirst. Sometimes our smiles are tired from…