Agree to Disagree – Lindsey Heatherly

Would God still love and forgive me
if I asked Him to consider agreeing to disagree?
Would He welcome a meeting with me,
taking an unassuming seat across the table—
the same hands that wove the strands of the universe
into being, clasped around a simple cup of coffee—
calmly waiting for me to gather my notes,
diagrams, and extensive research consisting of
numbers, tallied scenarios, and conscious
mistakes displaced by honorable deeds?
Would He observe me in wonder as His creation,
light dancing within the star-filled expanse of His eyes,
allowing me to build and present my defense,
aware that I gave everything—every minute,
every thought, every breath, to prepare to speak in
reverence to the One who holds the world in His hands?
Would He be attentive and patient with my emotions?
Would He listen to me cry, bang my fist out of anger,
or raise my voice in passion, or would He bellow
in reproof, silencing my simple, uneducated,
doubt-filled views, referring me, with indignation,
to the text He breathed life into so long ago?
Lindsey Heatherly is an emerging poet, born and raised in Upstate South Carolina. She works as a pharmacy professional in an inpatient psychiatric hospital and spends her time at home raising a strong, confident daughter.